I know the power, the presence, the One Life that is God is me. It is over me, around me, through me, as me. There is no separation there is only One. This one is Love, therefore I am loving and I am loved. All God is, I AM.

I speak my word now knowing this connection, this unconditional love; it has always been, it will always be and it is here with me now. I don't have to seek which already exists, I just need to know. When I know this Divine Presence within, I know and see God all around me. This knowing brightens my day and lightens my load. When I truly know God, I know Love.

I give thanks for this deep connection and knowing to the One Power, the One Presence, the One Mind, the One Heart, the One Life, God as it seeks its manifestation through me and all things everywhere.

I release these words into the Law knowing as it is spoken it is done. I let go, I let God and So It Is.


I am open to receiving my good because I know my good is my God. The unlimited power of the Divine that lives and breathes and as its existence as me in microcosm is only limited by me. Everywhere I go, everything I do, everything I see, is God in form. God knows, all, sees all is all.

Because I am one with that power and presence, I live my life from a place of perpetual knowing and understanding. I am here in this form to learn and grow spiritually. I am here to understand the connection between It and me. Nothing else really matters. As I grow closer to this understanding, the easier life becomes. The kinder I am the more kindness I receive. Grace is the ultimate goal in my life; to feel it, to know it, to be it. 

I give thanks for the grace and understanding that fills my heart to overflowing. 

I release these words backing the One Mind from whence they came. Knowing that God speaks through me. I let go and I let God and so it is.


In knowing there is only One Life, that life is God; that life is whole, completely, and perfect. And that life is my life now. I know that the peace that surpasses all understanding is within my for I am a unique, individualized manifestation of God in form. I am part of the quantum soup of all life. I cannot exist without it and it cannot exist without me.

I claim right here and now that I stand tall and confident in all my experiences. I allow myself to have clear boundaries that are expressed lovingly and clearly. I refuse to take things personally for I know that everyone is doing the best they can with the tools and information they have been given. I am seeing through the eyes of God and I know the eyes of God are looking back and seeing me. I am choosing to be a better version of myself every single day because I know there is always room for my consciousness to grow and expand.

I give thanks for this clarity of purpose and peace of mind that expresses through me now.

I release these words into the law knowing that love shows the way and the law makes that way possible. I let go and I let God And so it is!


Sitting in the expansiveness of the Universal Mind and connecting to all that is, all that ever was and all that ever will be, I am filled to overflowing with gratitude. The perfection of God lives and breathes and has its existence in and through and as me. The abundance of the Universe expresses Itself all around me.